Tempo Finder

Number of Beats:


BPM = Beats Per Minute

Find the tempo of any song accurately! This "stopwatch" style Beats Per Minute calculator is different than most "tap tempo" features found on sequencers. Instead of tapping along to every quarter note, you only tap once at the beginning and once at the end, letting time do the averaging for you.

For example, using standard 4/4 time, putting 4 in the box equals one bar. If you want more precision, put 8 in the box for 2 bars, or 16 beats for 4 bars. The longer you make this interval, the more accurate the BPM value will be.

A more advance example: Let's say you want to find the tempo to Money by Pink Floyd, which is in 7/4, You'd put 7 in the Beats box and Start/Stop from downbeat to downbeat of the bassline.

