Prime Factor Task List

Ticker: 2 [2]

Icon Reference

[T] edit list title

[W] new task
[E] edit task
[D] delete task

[S] move to top
[A] move up one
[Z] move down one
[X] move to end

[<] decrement ticker
[>] increment ticker
[?] set ticker

[k] = keyboard shortcut
SHIFT is not necessary

Prime Factor Task List Instructions

Use the apparent randomness of the primes to help you accomplish what you want! Manage your task list with the icons on the left. The "ticker" on the right, walks you through the integers, as the prime numbers help you select your next best course of action.

Prioritize your free time by putting your most important tasks at the top of the list. You will be prompted to do the tasks toward the top of the list more often than those toward the end of the list.

Behind the scenes, each item on the list is mapped to a prime number. 2, 3, 5, 7, etc. The ticker steps through each unique prime factor of every integer on the positive number line. As it does, the corresponding task is selected.

As you encounter primes beyond your list, you will be prompted for new tasks. Feel free to subdivide tasks into more specific steps, if you are running out of ideas. Alternatively, this could be a gentle nudge to try some new thing you've never done before.

The "new task" icon inserts the new task before the currently selected task, moving the rest down. When prompted for a new task via the ticker, the new task will be appended to the end of the list. You can always use the "move buttons" to reprioritize your new task in the list. Tasks are limited to 127 characters.

Using the pencil icon at the top of the page, you can edit the title of your task list, which is limited to 63 characters.

To backup your list, simply select it, copy it, and paste it into a text file of your choosing. Below, is a way to populate your task list from any plain text file: "Import Text File". It currently works on Windows browsers. It doesn't work yet on Android. I haven't tried it on other systems.

All your task list information is stored in your browser on that specific device. This means, by using a different browser or a different device, you can have multiple unique task lists going at the same time, if you need to.

Happy Prime-Tasking!

David James Call

Import Text File (works on Windows)
This will replace your existing list with the contents of the text file you select. It will ignore blank lines and limit each line to 127 characters.